September 4, 2011

Kydex press beginnings

This past week has been very busy and so I was only able to get the materials needed for the press. Assembly will have to wait until this coming week. But while waiting, I can list the materials I am using ad the general design concept.

2" thick High Density Polyurethane foam padding - I picked this up at Jo-Ann's Fabrics. It is supposed to be used for seat cushions, but it has the perfect density and form.
Some sort of adhesive to attach the foam to the plywood
Scrap plywood 9"x15" for top and 11"x15" for bottom
scrap piece of 2x4 at least 15" long
two standard door hinges
assorted screws for assembly (drywall or wood screws will work)
2 or 3 clamps - I am using bar clamps I already have that I bought from Harbor Freight

The foam piece was 17"x15". I could have bought 2 pieces, but that would make for a very large press, and I don't need something that big. So I took the piece and cut it in half. At this size, I can mold handguns and various sized knives and magazines. I really don't know of anything else to work with a this time, but if something comes up, I can easily make a larger press.

The whole press will look like a book. The bottom piece of plywood is larger so the 2x4 will attach to it and act as the "spine" of the press. The foam will be glued to the top and boom piece of plywood and the door hinges will attach to the top piece of plywood and the 2x4. The result will look like a book and the clamps will hold the press closed while whatever is being squished inside. Here is a picture of one that is larger than what I am doing, but has the same design.

Once this is put together, I will post pictures of the assembly and hopefully finish my P250 holster.

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