August 8, 2011

My nerd side...

Along with my fascination with firearms, I really enjoy gaming, specifically Xbox 360 first person shooters. Back in the day I had a Nintendo 64 and one of my favorite games was James Bond. That was my first introduction to first person shooters ans it progressed to the Halo series. I got into Halo while in college and my roommates and I would play all night long. We would play custom games with other dorm buildings, and sometimes would hack into an online gaming server and play people across the country. It was great, but then I was introduced to Call of Duty 3 and everything changed. Their online gaming was fun and addicting. I loved playing with people I didn't know and ripping them apart. It is always satisfying getting the drop on somebody that wasn't paying attention. So it continued on with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Army of Two, Rainbow 6 Vegas I & II, and then the newer stuff like Modern Warfare 2 and Black OPS. Those were great, but there is one that definitely stands out. That one is Battlefield Bad Company 2. This game is great in the fact that it is team based and not just a Rambo run and gun type game like COD. It has been out for a while and there is a huge following still playing which is nice, because I haven't been playing it long.

But the best is still to come. Come October 25, Battlefield 3 comes out and it is supposed to be the greatest shooter of all time. The COD franchise is also coming out with Modern Warfare 3, but BF3 is probably going to blow it out of the water. BF3 has an all new graphics engine where MW3 is still using the old one from MW2. The game play that has been released is ridiculous. It is very sharp and the movement of the players and environment is outstanding. I wish I was chosen to be part of their Alpha testing and I didn't buy Medal of Honor, so I am not able to get in with their Beta testing. I guess I can wait until it comes out, but when it does I will be glued to my TV. I hope the neighbors don't mind the 5.1 surround sound blasting explosions and automatic gunfire. If it is anything like the sound of Bad Company 2, then it is going to be amazing.

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