February 4, 2012


Has it really been over 3 1/2 months since I wrote something on this? Dang, well I guess life did get a little crazy after October. I had family come in for Thanksgiving and class really got out of hand. Then there was Christmas, which wasn't that crazy, but it was just busy. Now that all the major holidays are out of the way and I am comfortably back in the swing of things with school I can hopefully maintain a timely schedule regarding this blog.

Here is some exciting news that has developed over the hiatus...I am finally building my AR!! Our tax return this year was very generous and I have been on good behavior for the past few months. I already have a few pieces of the puzzle and most of the remaining parts are either ordered or I am waiting for things to come back into stock. Exciting times! I also have some new additions to my shotgun - nothing big, but worth noting. I added a ERGO sling mount and a Streamlight Polytac LED light in an offset mount attached to the forend. Everything fits like a glove and is very sturdy and nice. I am going to start a new post about my AR because this is just a "hey, hows it going. I know its been a while but..." type post. I will get into the details more in the next post.

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